My Daddy is a Donkey

Jacques took a long drag of his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air. He leaned back in his chair, staring out into the dimly lit room with a look of frustration etched on his face.

The Son

"I can't take it anymore," he said, his voice low and gruff. "Olivier is a nightmare. He's conniving, mistrusting, and obsessed with power."

The Invisible Man, seated across from Jacques, watched him intently. His expression was unreadable, but there was an air of superiority about him, as if he had seen and heard it all before.

Jacques continued to rant about Olivier, his words punctuated by angry puffs on his cigar. "He's an old, disgruntled man who doesn't care about anyone but himself. He treats us all like dirt, like we're nothing."

The Invisible Man listened silently, taking a slow drag of his own cigar. He was reminded of the movie "Un prophète", where the protagonist Malik struggles to survive and thrive in a harsh, unforgiving environment. The film reminded him of the power dynamics at play in Jacques' workplace.

Donkey Daddy

Just like in the movie, Olivier held all the cards, and Jacques was his subordinate. But unlike the main character in the film, Jacques lacked the cunning and resourcefulness to navigate this complex web of power.

"I've been working for him for over five years, and he still treats me like a newbie," Jacques went on. "He undermines me, makes me look bad in front of others. I don't know how much longer I can take this."

The Invisible Man nodded in understanding, his eyes narrowing slightly. Jacques woes were habitual and perpetual.

"But what can I do?" Jacques asked, desperation creeping into his voice. "I can't quit my job, but I can't keep living like this."

Call Donkey, Daddy

As Jacques continued to vent, The Invisible Man took another puff of his cigar, then spoke up. "You know Jacques, sometimes in life we have to be like Malik in the movie 'Un Prophète.', willing to embrace a donkey as our daddy".

Jacques looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?" he asked.

“You haven’t watched 'Un Prophète'?, in which case you should take a day off watching po…n and instead check out this film. It will have all the answers you need to deal with Olivier. I will still give you some overview”

Un prophète

In 2009, the French film "Un prophète" took the world by storm with its powerful depiction of life in a dangerous prison environment. The movie tells the story of Malik El Djebena, a young Arab man who is sentenced to prison and must navigate the complex and violent hierarchy of the prison system in order to survive.

At its core, "Un prophète" is a story of survival in the face of overwhelming odds. The prison environment is harsh and unforgiving, with danger lurking around every corner. In order to survive, Malik must learn the art of keeping a low profile, navigating power dynamics, and biding his time for the right moment to strike.

The lessons of "Un prophète" are not limited to the prison environment, however. The movie offers valuable insights into the art of survival in any challenging environment, and the key learnings it offers are particularly relevant to men. From developing emotional intelligence and social skills to cultivating patience and discipline, "Un prophète" is a powerful source of inspiration for anyone looking to navigate the complex and dangerous hierarchies of the world.

Malik El Djebena

At the beginning of "Un prophète," Malik El Djebena is a young, uneducated Arab man who is sentenced to six years in prison. He is immediately plunged into a harsh and dangerous environment, where he must navigate the complex power dynamics of the prison in order to survive.

Malik's first challenge is to understand the social hierarchy of the prison and find allies who can help him navigate it. He quickly learns that the Corsican mafia has a powerful presence in the prison, and he must tread carefully to avoid drawing their wrath. Through a combination of observation, strategy, and luck, Malik is able to align himself with a powerful Corsican inmate named César Luciani, who takes him under his wing and begins to teach him the skills he needs to survive.

Navigating Conflict

One of the key lessons of "Un prophète" is the importance of navigating conflicts with other inmates while avoiding attention from guards. Malik learns to read social cues and anticipate threats, always keeping a low profile and blending in with the background.

He also learns to build his own skills and knowledge, from learning to read and write to developing a talent for making deals and negotiating with other inmates.

Through his patient and careful navigation of the prison hierarchy, Malik gains advantages and opportunities that he never thought possible. He rises through the ranks, earning the respect of both the Corsican and Arab factions in the prison, and even begins to dream of a life outside the prison walls.

Ultimately, "Un prophète" is a story of hope and perseverance, showing that even in the most challenging of circumstances, it is possible to survive and thrive with the right mindset and approach.

The Art of Blending In

A survival strategy that Malik El Djebena employs in "Un prophète" is the art of keeping a low profile. In a dangerous environment like a prison, drawing attention to oneself can be deadly. Malik learns to blend in with the background, avoiding conflicts and staying out of trouble as much as possible.

Maintaining a low profile involves a combination of strategies, from dressing and behaving in a way that is consistent with the norms of the environment to staying calm and composed in high-stress situations.

Malik learns to read social cues and anticipate threats, always staying one step ahead of the game. He also develops a keen sense of observation, learning to spot weaknesses and opportunities that others might miss.


Another vital lesson of "Un prophète" is the importance of staying disciplined and focused, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Malik never loses sight of his goals, even when the odds seem stacked against him.

He remains calm and composed in the face of danger, always keeping his wits about him and looking for ways to gain an advantage.

Ultimately, the art of keeping a low profile is about more than just surviving in a dangerous environment. It is a valuable life skill that can be applied in any context, from the boardroom to the classroom.

By developing the ability to read social cues, anticipate threats, and stay calm under pressure, men can learn to navigate even the most complex and challenging hierarchies with ease and confidence.

The Power of Timing

In "Un prophète," Malik El Djebena learns the power of being patient and waiting for the right moment to take action. He develops a long-term strategy for survival, setting goals and building relationships over time.

Rather than acting impulsively, he carefully weighs the risks and consequences of his actions, always looking for opportunities to advance his position without putting himself in danger.

Waiting for the right moment to take action is a key survival strategy in any environment, not just in prison. By taking the time to develop a clear strategy and identify key opportunities, men can increase their chances of success and minimize their risk of failure.

Building relationships and trust over time is crucial, as it allows individuals to gain access to resources, information, and support that they might not otherwise have.

Understanding the risks and consequences of impulsive actions is also important. In "Un prophète," Malik witnesses firsthand the dangers of acting without thinking, as one of his fellow inmates is brutally beaten and killed for a moment of foolish bravado.

By staying disciplined and patient, men can avoid making costly mistakes and increase their chances of long-term success.

Ultimately, the power of timing is about more than just survival. It is a key component of success in any area of life, from business to relationships.

By taking the time to carefully consider their actions and wait for the right moment to take action, men can increase their chances of achieving their goals and living fulfilling lives.

Key Learnings for Men

 "Un prophète" offers a wealth of valuable lessons for men looking to navigate complex and difficult environments. Here are some of the key takeaways from the movie:

Emotional intelligence and social skills

In order to survive and thrive in a hierarchical environment, it is essential to have strong social skills and emotional intelligence. This involves being able to read social cues and anticipate the actions of others, as well as understanding one's own emotions and how they affect others.

Learning to read social cues and navigate power dynamics

Understanding the power dynamics of any given environment is crucial for success. Men can learn to navigate these dynamics by developing their social intelligence, reading body language and nonverbal cues, and building alliances with others who can provide support and guidance.

Building strong relationships and networks of support

One of the key lessons of "Un prophète" is the importance of building strong relationships and networks of support. This involves cultivating trust, demonstrating reliability, and providing value to others. By building strong relationships and networks, men can gain access to resources and opportunities that might not otherwise be available to them.

Cultivating patience and discipline in pursuing goals

Finally, "Un prophète" emphasizes the importance of cultivating patience and discipline in pursuing one's goals. By taking the time to develop a clear strategy and wait for the right moment to take action, men can increase their chances of success and avoid making costly mistakes.


“And so Jacques..” said the Invisible Man thoughtfully, “…it may be time to learn how to walk on your knees”

Aaron Gray

Aaron is the founder of, a site dedicated to exploring the seven universal pursuits of men. A Swiss with a diverse background, Aaron draws from his extensive experiences as an investor, entrepreneur, professional athlete, and world traveler to cover topics ranging from masculinity, career, health, wealth, lifestyle and society.

Fluent in multiple languages and enriched by a global perspective, he provides insightful commentary on what it means to be a man in today's world.

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