Old Or Bold, No Old & Bold

The Invisible Man and Jacques sat in a plush lounge, surrounded by its opulence. Thick clouds of cigar smoke hung in the air, casting a hazy glow over the room. Jacques had a smug look on his face as he shared his latest scheme with The Invisible Man.

The Old

“Olivier is an asshole,” remarked Jacques gritting his teeth. “He is old, disgruntled, and probably releases the frustration of a sexless life on me. I have no idea how he has made it to the top of the bank’s executive committee.”

“You clearly have a memory of a goldfish or rather haven’t taken any lessons in history.” Chuckled the Invisible Man. “Wasn’t Olivier the one who had engineered one of the most significant buyouts of the fifth largest logistics company in Europe? and that too by the age of 38.” said the Invisible Man.

The Bold

"Who cares about his past exploits, because I am finally going to take down Olivier," Jacques said, a grin spreading across his face. "He's been holding me back for too long. He has finally made an error and I'm going to expose it to the executive committee, making way for his possible downfall."

The Invisible Man looked at Jacques with a mixture of pity and disdain. Here was his friend, always caught up in petty power struggles, oblivious to the larger forces at play.

"You think that's going to make a difference?" The Invisible Man asked, taking a long drag from his cigar. "You're focused on the trees and missing the forest."

Jacques raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

The Invisible Man leaned back in his chair, smoke curling around his head like a halo. "Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla," he said, his voice low and hypnotic. "It's a story about two men, both vying for power in ancient Rome."

Old Vs Bold


The year was 82 BC, and Rome was a city on edge. Political tensions simmered beneath the surface, and the ambitions of its most powerful figures threatened to tear the republic apart. At the heart of this tumultuous time were two men: Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Gaius Marius the Younger.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Sulla was a grizzled veteran of countless battles, with years of military experience under his belt. He had served as consul, Rome's highest elected office, and had been appointed as commander of the Roman army in the east. Sulla was known for his tactical brilliance, his unwavering determination, and his formidable physical presence.

He was also a towering figure, with piercing blue eyes and a thick, grey beard that flowed down his chest. His deep voice commanded respect, and his reputation as a skilled warrior had earned him the loyalty of thousands of troops.

Marius The Younger

Marius the Younger, on the other hand, was a brash and ambitious young man, hungry for power and influence. He had grown up in the shadow of his father, Gaius Marius, a powerful and controversial figure in Roman politics.

The elder Marius had been a seven-time consul, a military hero, and a champion of the common people. His son had inherited his father's ambition but lacked his experience and wisdom. Marius the Younger was impetuous, impatient, and eager to prove himself.

The Rivalry

The rivalry between Sulla and Marius the Younger was intense, and it simmered beneath the surface of Roman politics for years. Some whispered that there was more to their rivalry than just political differences.

Rumors swirled of secret deals, betrayals, and even assassination plots. Sulla was known for his cold, calculating demeanour, while Marius the Younger was fiery and passionate. The two men could not have been more different, and their bitter animosity threatened to boil over at any moment.

As the political situation in Rome grew more volatile, tensions between Sulla and Marius the Younger reached a boiling point. The stage was set for a dramatic showdown between two of the most powerful figures in the Roman Republic.

The streets of Rome were filled with whispers and rumors, and the air was thick with the tension of impending conflict. It was a time of great uncertainty, and the fate of the republic hung in the balance.

The Build Up

The rivalry between Sulla and Marius the Younger continued to intensify, with each man vying for power and influence in the Roman Republic. Sulla's years of experience had made him a shrewd politician and an expert in the art of warfare.

He had fought in numerous battles across the Roman world and had a keen sense of strategy and tactics. Marius the Younger, however, was still relatively untested, and his impulsive nature made him prone to reckless decision-making.

As the tension between the two men grew, their supporters began to take sides. Sulla's followers were loyal and disciplined, and his army was well-trained and battle-hardened. Marius the Younger's supporters, on the other hand, were inexperienced and poorly organized, and their army was made up of untrained volunteers.

The Spark

In the summer of 82 BC, Marius the Younger, being inexperienced decided to make his move. He raised an army and marched on Rome, hoping to overthrow Sulla and seize power for himself. But Sulla was not to be underestimated. He had spent years honing his military skills and knew the art of war better than anyone in Rome.

Sulla's army was camped outside the city, waiting for the inevitable confrontation. As Marius the Younger's forces approached, Sulla ordered his men to form a line of defense. The two armies faced each other across a plain outside the Colline Gate, a strategic passageway leading into Rome.

The Battle

The sky was ablaze with the colours of dawn as the two armies stood poised for battle on the plains outside Rome. On one side stood the grizzled veterans of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, their faces set in lines of determination and resolve. On the other side stood the inexperienced troops of Gaius Marius the Younger, their eyes wide with fear and excitement.

Sulla himself was a towering figure, his long white hair blowing in the wind as he surveyed the battlefield. His armour glinted in the sunlight, and his sword hung at his side, ready for action. He knew that this battle would be a pivotal moment in his career, a chance to prove himself as a skilled military commander and a worthy opponent to the young upstart Marius.

The battleground was a treacherous one, filled with rocky outcroppings, dense thickets of bramble, and steep inclines. Sulla had chosen the location carefully, knowing that it would give his troops an advantage over Marius the Younger's inexperienced soldiers.

The terrain would make it difficult for the Marius’s troops to manoeuvre, and Sulla's veterans were well-equipped to take advantage of any mistakes their opponents might make.

Marius the Younger, however, was overconfident believing that his superior numbers would be enough to carry the day.

The Clash of Titans

The two sides finally clashed, the sound of clashing steel and shouting soldiers echoed across the battlefield. Marius the Younger's troops charged forward with reckless abandon, eager to prove themselves in battle while Sulla was at the forefront of the battle, leading his troops with a fierce determination. He fought with the skill of a veteran warrior, his sword flashing in the sun as he cut down his enemies.

The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. Despite their initial success, Marius the Younger's forces were quickly overwhelmed by Sulla's veterans.

Sulla's experience and discipline proved to be too much for Marius the Younger's inexperienced troops. His disciplined and veteran soldiers fought with precision and purpose, their years of training and experience giving them an edge over the inexperienced troops.

Soon the enemy lines began to falter, and Sulla ordered his men to charge. Marius the Younger's army was in disarray, and his men began to flee the field, overwhelmed by the chaos of battle. He struggled to keep his troops in formation, and his lines had already crumbled.

In the end, it was all for naught. Sulla's experience and skill as a military commander proved too much for Marius the Younger and his inexperienced troops. They were no match for the seasoned veterans under Sulla's command.

Old Triumphs Bold

The battle near the Colline Gate was a turning point in Roman history. It marked the end of Marius the Younger's political ambitions and solidified Sulla's hold on power.

Sulla's age and experience had triumphed over Marius the Younger's youth and inexperience. It was a stark reminder of the importance of leadership and the consequences of reckless ambition.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, Sulla surveyed the carnage around him. The ground was littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers, their blood soaking into the earth.

Sulla had emerged victorious, but the cost of victory was steep. He had lost many good men in the battle, and the wounds inflicted upon Rome would take years to heal.

The Execution

Marius the Younger had fled the field, his dreams of power shattered. He would later be captured and executed, a grim reminder of the consequences of overreaching ambition. Sulla, meanwhile, would go on to consolidate his power and reshape the Roman Republic in his own image.

The battle near the Colline Gate had been a brutal and bloody affair, but it had also been a testament to the importance of leadership, discipline, and experience. Sulla's triumph over Marius the Younger was a reminder that youth and ambition are no match for age and experience when it comes to matters of war and politics.


“Olivier has survived it all, Jacques” chuckled the Invisible Man. “He has about twenty years head start on an upstart like you, and not only that, he has probably already shared his errors with the executive committee long before they even happened” continued The Invisible Man.

Jacques smug expression gradually gave way to one of rapt attention. He was leaning forward in his chair now, his eyes focused intently on his friend, the cigar smoke swirling around him.

“What should I do then…?” said Jacques in a thoughtful voice.

“Be patient, don’t be like Marius The Younger by taking reckless initiative in a battle. Make the Donkey Your Daddy and meanwhile go make love to your mistress.” said The Invisible Man laughing dismissively. “And don’t forget to return home to have dinner with your wife” he added, while continuing to smoke his cigar.

Jacques sat back in his chair, the story of Marius and Sulla continued to echo in his mind. Should he wait and find another way as the Invisible Man suggested or?

Aaron Gray

Aaron is the founder of the-invisibleman.com, a site dedicated to exploring the seven universal pursuits of men. A Swiss with a diverse background, Aaron draws from his extensive experiences as an investor, entrepreneur, professional athlete, and world traveler to cover topics ranging from masculinity, career, health, wealth, lifestyle and society.

Fluent in multiple languages and enriched by a global perspective, he provides insightful commentary on what it means to be a man in today's world.


My Daddy is a Donkey


Beggars Can Be Choosers